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Tips for travel in Mexico

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

map of mexico

So a lot of tips for Mexican travel revolve around bathroom etiquette. Outside of touristy areas, many restrooms require payment in pesos so it is a GOOD idea to exchange some cash before your trip. Most of Mexico will not accept US dollars. Another tip to remember is that the plumbing in Mexico is not as robust as ours here in the US so it is customary to throw toilet paper in the trash can, not the toilet.

But the most important bathroom etiquette is to note that "M" does not stand for mens, but for "mujeres" which is Spanish for women. Mens' restrooms will have a "H" for hombres, men or "C" for caballeros, gentlemen.

It is also key to remember, water in Mexico is not safe, for the most part. Many resorts purify water at the site but be sure to ask. When traveling outside of the resorts, you can ask for bottled water, un bote de agua pura, or use a Lifestraw featured below.

In restaurants, generally, ice is safe. Most use a purification ice maker which creates cylindrical ice pieces. Speaking of restaurants, it is considered rude to present the bill before it has been requested so an essential phrase when dining out is "La cuenta por favor".

These tips for travel in Mexico should help make your trip a little smoother.

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